The Hungarian word "ember" /ɛmbɛr/ means human being, and it is
neutral, refers to both man and woman. As the English language uses man
primarily for a human being, "ember" is used primarily in Hungarian. I
think this example is good use of language in Hungarian. Similarly the
pronouns he and she are expressed with the word "Ő" /ɜ:/. What is this
an analogy for will possibly come to my mind in the future. The world
being one for example, everything is connected - an idea that is not supported, in my mind, by thorough research. I felt like expressing it anyway.
wanted to continue writing and posting, as I still feel the motivation
and especially so as the first post seemed to spur my mind to express
more. Stirred my mind. As if sand and rubbish and bits of remains of
possible treasures on sunken ships or what not are coming to the
surface. Fear. It is clearly fear that pushes me to write. I find it
important to explain the purpose for writing, even though I am or was
afraid of writing explanations in these posts. For instance, as I wrote
this last phrase down I realised that by thinking about the purpose, the
purpose of writing becomes clearer to me. So this is, probably the main
reason basically, that I think about stuff, and writing it down and
making it public makes it clearer. It is one thing to write for myself,
in a diary, and it is another to make it public. When I make it public I
become afraid and anxious - "oh what did I write, what did I say?" "who
is going to read it" "what do they understand" "Oh they will
misunderstand that, I didn't mean that" "Oh whatever let them
misunderstand it".... and so on and so forth. I cannot promise to be
absolutely open and free in writing, at this point, but that is my aim,
to become more open and free and contribute to a freer expression and
relationship of subjective realities. Tomorrow I might see it somehow
differently, and this is something else I wanted to mention, that I
retain my right to change of perspective. Is this an unconscious way of
defense, defending against childhood pain by coming up with a list of
excuses? I do not know, but here we go.
Today I wrote down, in
Twickenham (or Whitton, which is considered not a part of Twickenham by
some and nonexistent by others) a sketch of what I wanted to say. Ideas
and thoughts keep appearing for me on the bicycle and if I don't write
them down at that moment they seem to disappear. For one thing, it would
be good to see what others really thing about different areas of life. I
mean, on facebook, for example, the question "What is on your mind" is
an important question, however commercial and shallow fascistbook is. I
would like to see genuine answers to that question more often, and it
fascistbook is shallow because users are afraid to have a go at openly
answering that question. That is one of the problems with other forms of
communication as well, not only with this particular digitally mediated
one. To express one's mind without fear of punishment. To "open one's
bowels at the high place". We had this question at the other day's
refresher training that why is it poor practice when two carers discuss
their sex lives over a client? Well, I said, it is poor practice because
they ignore the client and do not involve him or her in the
conversation. The others at the meeting were giving me funny looks, as I
tried to explain that I think there is nothing wrong with discussing
one's sex life. "Oh well you shouldn't discuss your sex life..." and
"imagine frail little old lady sitting in her wheelchair while we talk
about 'oh last night..bla bla bla'". I am not exactly one who easily
discusses my sex life openly, but I think we shold be able to talk about
anything whatsoever and ideally one feels the other person's dis-ease
when it comes to a sensitive subject. Also, discussing sex life has a
wide range of possible aspects. As sex can have different meanings,
there is pornography and there is intimacy. Osho comes to mind as he
writes about the idea that sexual perversions of humanity are a result
of keeping sex taboo. So, I would like to see genuine answers to the
question "What is on your mind?" more often, with or without photos of
cats and wise quotes. Meanwhile in the boring setting of suburban
English flat park with tennis court, grey raven creatures and passing
red Southern Railway and dog walkers a large group of buggied mothers
gathered to repeat burpies, squats and other exercises in a circle,
which makes it all not so boring. Lovely to see them actually, makes me
think of the possible energies that gather in that circle and the
purpose of this gathering, group meditation, yoga day. I wish adults
would stop abusing children (later on I thought I wish children would be
able to defend themselves better). Another thought I would like to
share, is that I want people not to leash dogs, let alone children. One
response I got when raising the issue of nurseries keeping children on a
leash that they would otherwise run amok jumping in front of cars. I
have yet to find out the name for for the rod that the little slaves are
being attached to with leashes and harness. Images of slavery are the
first that come to my mind, and it is no coincidence. Well, I think
children's emotional wellbeing and healthy growth is more important than
having cars around. The present toxic use of cars is a result of
similar abuse of children. This cause and effect is something I want to
make more clear. Well, I would like to understand it more clearly and
also express what I already see so that it might make it more clear for
you, or someone else. It is seemingly a big abstract step, and I am
aware that there are plenty of books and writings on this subject
already, my purpose here is thinking about it in the form of writing and
possibly contribute to the discussion and understanding of why are we
so messed up as a species and what can we do in order to experience more
of the positive side of our universe. At this point to only productive
way of expression for me seems to be a sort of free roaming one. What
internet would I like to have? I would like if people anywhere and
everywhere in the world, in Uganda and Somalia and Syria or wherever
would be able to share their views without fear of being punished or
judged. Without the influence and filters of any authority.
I read in a newspaper about the 14 year old girl who's family arranged a
30 year old man to marry her, and they got married and the "husband"
even had "intercourse" with the girl - I realised later on after reading
the story, how the article did not make it clear that he RAPED her. The
girl managed to run away one day and get help from police. The internet
can serve a similar purpose of running away and calling for help - in
the girl's situation the whole family was seeing the abuse as perfectly
natural, they had a nice colourful wedding ceremony for her on her 14th
birthday, which she didn't expect and could not even understand the
language it was conducted in, the father and mother and siblings were
all dressed up nice and were all happy for her getting raped. She was
the only one who was not so, as she was in touch with reality, with her
insticts and feelings that said run away. Keeping a child on a leash
restricts his or her natural movement, his instincts, disregards its
feelings, keeping a child on a leash is a form of rape. The 14 year old
girl was responding to her feelings when she had run away from her
perpetrators. The leash means, conveys the message, that "you cannot run
away, regardless of what you feel". I have mentioned wanting to get
back in the jungle. Is getting back to the jungle - to Nature - is that
symbolic of the infantile wish of getting back into my mother's womb?
Generated by the fear of what is coming after the walls contracted to
the maximum and it is time to go. Running child, escaped - connects to
the refugee, the asylum seeker that runs away from their perpetrators in
hope of a freer community, a higher awareness. Do we have that here? Is
that something that needs to be protected by hundreds of kilometers of
four meter high fence and barbed wire?
Writing the post and
publishing it makes me feel similarly to having applied to my first bjj
competition that is yet to happen. Now I keep thinking of what I have
written and whether that is true and what to write next. This is part of
my way of running away and calling out, following my instincts,
contributing to an environment - that is supportive of growth - R.D.
Laing writes about. At the training someone said "We shouldn't gossip"
and I asked, what about talking to people about cases without revealing
their identities, the lecturer was on a clear no, you shouldn't talk
about anything that you see at work, you should only discuss it with
your supervisors (all this after going through steps of whistle blowing
and "No secrets" philosophy. Others were saw it similarly to me,
considering it natural discussing it, as long as one does not reveal
identities. Regardless what they think, I think it is completely
natural to discuss whatever I experience. For example, that all the
people I visit have big ass plasma TVs and how come that healthcare
professionals that visit them daily seem to have nothing to say about
this most powerful and profoundly destructive electronic drug draining
their clients lives away. It goes unnoticed that the people that make
profit from streaming their commercial and political propaganda at them
day long are the exact same people that contribute to, and profit from,
keeping them miserable.
article is also on
#care #life #social #lifestyle #therapy #abuse
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