I loved the idea of items for take away. Some students had their business card or postcard size print of their work available. It is important to think about how to attract certain people to look at the work, take the card with them and follow up the information written on it. Glancing at one of the print outs I took with myself I can remember the original feeling of the work. It is probably good to make a visual connection between the original and the card. The leaflets of different courses at LCC were also great, professional looking. Organic is all the rage.
My favourite was an interactive instrument by Kirsty Greig: Haptic Soundscape. 12 pipes were hanging in a darkened space. One could walk between them. Touching the end of a pipe activated a unique sound.
Another by Fiona Choi, a sculpture of rotten strawberries hanged on strings called the Unpleasant and Distance. They looked like trapped insects. Filthy dead flies. By standing closer, the beautiful fragrance of strawberries amazed me.
Pretty images. Although probably all work is a proof of hard work behind them, only some of those have any message and depth to communicate. What can you use them for? Where do they lead to? What is their goal?
Visiting this exhibition was an opportunity for me to think about how I would exhibit work. It gives inspiration. Connects to other ideas. Other people.